Launching a new startup in any industry, whether it’s tech, retail, cyber, or medical cannabis, is not an easy task. You have to face a fierce level of competition that is almost disheartening. You also need to develop a market position of your brand and that alone may take a lot of effort.
Now the question arises: What is a brand? A brand is the perception of the company or startup in the eyes of the world and Branding involves those marketing practices that actively shape a distinct brand.
One of the ways in which you can compete with other startups and stand out is to build a strong brand identity, which will set you apart, share your vision and hopefully, drive in the right customers.
The problem here is that brands are usually built over a course of time, and to a great extent, develop organically.
That being said, when starting up, there is plenty you can do to build your brand from the ground up the right way.
A successful brand starts with a product or service, is aimed to facilitate customers and solves a common problem. This product has a very clear purpose, a direct and affordable way of fulfilling its purpose, and very clear reasons why consumers need it. Your product could be unique, innovative and something that serves the people.
A brand is built upon that product. First, you have to decide the product you are going to introduce to the market and then launch the brand. This way, your brand is built on something concrete and you have no need to fake branding campaigns. You do not build a brand and then try to fit the product into the brand.
How To Designing Your Site To Maximize Inbound Leads
Your online presence is key to building your brand identity and bringing in customers. You can communicate with them online and bring them on board.
There are two ways that you can establish your brand online:
The artistic one and the technical one.
The artistic perspective of building your brand online includes several elements:
- A name that is clear, interesting and immediately evocative which attracts the customer’s interest.
- A logo that makes sense and features the potential of the product that you are going to launch
Your logo is the cornerstone in your brand identity. It should clearly communicate who you are and what you value as a brand. It could be simple, clean and yet classy that makes a lasting impression on your audience.
- A color palette that makes sense for your startup and the products you sell
- A website, especially if you’re running an online business or a digital product.
Your customers will definitely check your website before deciding to do business with you. It is more than just a description of your product and a selling tool. Your website is one of the most representative aspects of your brand identity.
On the technical side, there are a few ways in which you can accomplish this:
- A fast-loading, up to date website that is easy to locate and organized in a way that leaves no doubt as to what your brand is about
- Covering search engine optimization basics, domain-related SEO stuff, and on-site optimization
- Making your brand mobile-friendly, with a truly responsive website
Your brand identity is what sets you apart from competitors and shows your customers who you are and what they can expect from working with you. And if you want your brand to be perceived in a positive light, it’s important that you develop your brand identity and create designs that accurately portray who you are to your customers.